Parallel Advisors:
Overview Deck
Refresh presentation template and marketing materials to strike a balance between ‘conservative’ and ‘modern,’ and streamline a vast number of brand identities and motifs to create a uniform aesthetic.
Built in PowerPoint.
Presentation content (including all text, metrics, and data) has been scrubbed for confidentiality. The content you see here is not necessarily factual or an accurate representation of the company’s positioning or strategy. These slides are meant to showcase design and layout only.
Summary slide
Eye-catching layout to communicate importance of slide content.
Utilizing a row-based layout to accommodate paragraphs / sections of differing length.
Investment strategy slide
Utilizing a column-based layout to create clean visual lines and accommodate paragraphs / sections of similar length.
Market forces slide
Reverse-engineered and adapted charts from third-party sources to conform to deck.
Funnel slide
Less traditional take on a funnel that creates visual interest by involving the entire slide.
"If Gloria could be cloned, the world would be a much better-designed place."
"The fact that Gloria is a very talented designer is clear for all to see, but more than that, I find her to be a consummate professional who always delivered excellent work on time and on budget. If she could be cloned, the world would be a much better-designed place. I unreservedly recommend her to anyone that needs their work to sing."
—David McGrane, Founder, Ozone Brand + Creative Consulting