Real Estate Private Equity Firm:
Overview Deck
Reformat a content-heavy presentation to be in line with a recent rebrand and existing firm materials. Design should be modern and adaptable to a wide variety of types of content.
Built in PowerPoint.
Company name and presentation content (including all text, metrics, and data) have been scrubbed for confidentiality. The content you see here is not necessarily factual or an accurate representation of the company’s positioning or strategy. These slides are meant to showcase design and layout only.
Opening slide
Impactful first slide that presents high-level firm description in an un-missable manner.
Stats and map slide
Text-heavy slide with map to complement written descriptions.
Case study slide
Repeatable layout that includes customizable portions (photo and capital stack) that can be applied across multiple case studies.
Performance slide
Formatting a financial figures to appear clean and polished in PowerPoint, while highlighting key information to be clear at a glance.
"Gloria’s creativity is second to none."
“Gloria’s creativity is second to none. She is a consummate professional who consistently delivers the highest caliber presentations on time and above expectations. Gloria is also very thoughtful, adding value every step of the way in the course of a project.”
—Liz W., Managing Director, Head of Capital Formation and Corporate Strategy