Real Estate Private Equity Firm:
Overview Deck
Create a presentation that looks “clean, fresher, glossier,” but also retains a similar feel to an existing template. Ensure slides are eye-catching despite text-heavy nature of the content.
Built in PowerPoint
Presentation content (including all text, metrics, and data) has been scrubbed for confidentiality. The content you see here is not necessarily factual or an accurate representation of the company’s positioning or strategy. These slides are meant to showcase design and layout only.
Opening slide
Big, bold headline to grab attention, with remaining content segmented into easily digestible portions.
Investment strategy slide
Text-heavy slide with map to complement written descriptions.
Case study slide
Highly segmented layout to accommodate variety of content (photo, map, table, stats, and text).
Closing slide
Impactful last slide with clear key takeaway and same photo as opening slide to serve as a bookend to presentation.
"Gloria is a stand out in her field and has become our go-to resource for design work."
“We were first introduced to Gloria in 2019 by a firm that had been working with her for four years prior, and said she was ‘the best they had seen at presentation design work.’
Having now worked regularly with Gloria for the past two years on our own materials, which have included a new overview presentation, fundraising presentations, and even holiday cards, we agree that she is a stand out in her field. Gloria has become our go-to resource for design work; she gets what we are looking for quite often on her first attempt (and with minimal direction), is conscientious, and offers high quality and quick execution. Gloria is very talented and has a strong sense of design that resonates with professional audiences.”
—Vice President, Investor Relations and Marketing